Dance Pictures
Ahh, the annual dance. This year's was a blast! It was so fun, I just had to get pictures, and they turned out pretty well too!

Cuuuute. ^_^ It's Didi and Travis dancing!

Just basic otaku dancing. There were lots of cat-people this year. o.o I dunno what the guy has on the sign on his back.

Ah, the really cool moves people do with those glo-light ropes... ^^

This Asuka was awesome... she was in ballet or gymnastics or something. ^^;; Anyway, she was a wonderful dancer and a great spotlight for the dance circle.

Heehee, cool wig. Plus, break-dancer in the background!

I didn't /mean/ to snap a picture right of this hottie Saitou, but he was just there! He gave me an interesting look after I accidently took it. ^^;;;

More glo-light swingers...

*giggles* I just love otaku at dances.

Still just a bunch of otaku dancing...

Me being a flirt. ^^ Glomping onto Hotohori/Tim in my Mima costume. My goal next year is to glomp and get pictures with as many bishi as I can! ^_^v