Inu Yasha Pictures
It's quite apparent Inu Yasha has come out into anime and such.. TONS of Inu Yasha costumes and merchandise this year. Not that I'm complaining! I love seeing all the Inu Yashas wandering around.

What a cute Inu Yasha! There were tons of Inu Yashas, but for some reason, I only took a pict of this one....

A cute group I caught at the dance. I love love love the Shippo! ^__^ The only Shippo I've ever seen...

This is an amazing Seisho Maru costume... I think the next Fluffy and this guy must be husband and wife or something because I have a feeling they're the /exact/ same costume...

*giggles madly* I LOVE the Shippo Cabbage Patch doll! What a brillant idea. ^^