Well! Not that anyone care about what I think about movies, but I started a review page! I just figure, I rent movies so often and have stuff to say about them, so why not? ^^ Anyway, a couple warnings: And the other thing: I give away spoilers like there's no tomorrow. To me, I can't properly talk about a movie and what I thought of it unless I divulge the ending and all the little nit-pickity stuff about it. Below are all the movies and such, and if you haven't seen that title and don't want to know the ending... erm... I think it should go without saying that you shouldn't click on that review. o.o If you do, it's your own bloody fault. *nod nod*
This page will be coming along slowly... hopefully, I can make a banner that proclaims, "Updated every time I rent a movie!" because I rent movie A LOT, and hopefully it'll be filled with fun, happy reviews, but for now, it's veeeery tiny. ^^ Enjoy for what it is!
These are my opinions. And i have a lot of them. I may or may not like a movie or a certain thing about a movie, and I'll harp about it. If you have problems with this, you're more than likely pretty closed-minded and unable to accept other people's views. However, if you would like to discuss a movie or my view of a movie with me, you are cordially invited to: fuefukinomiko@hotmail.com. I'd love a good, intellectual discussion. If you email me with flames and closed-minded, idiotic, cruel things about the opinions I have posted, I will a) completely ignore you or b) post your rude, mean email for all to see with YOUR email address, so if people feel you were awfully unfair to me and are bored enough, they can spam you and tell you what they think. Not that I think any of you would be doing that, but I'm just cautious.